Evolve stage 2 update
Evolve stage 2 update

evolve stage 2 update

Hunter: Tech Sergeant Hank, a variant support with a continuous fire laser cutter, an orbital drill beam weapon that tracks monsters in its radius, and a personal shield charger that grants temporary shields. Also, someone put a flamethrower on her dog. Hunter: Wasteland Maggie, a variant DPS focused trapper with a single flame harpoon and a burst fire pistol. Hunter: Blitz Markov, a variant on Markov with a focus on careful placement and positioning for accelerating returns in damage. Hunter: Rogue Val, a variant on Val with a focus on AoE healing, personal survivability, and heavier damage. Monster: Meteor Goliath, a variant on Goliath with longer traversals, higher cooldowns, and a focus on area of effect and DoT abilities. Map: Broken Hills Murder Pits, an Arena Only map consisting of tailor-made domes such as the Tyrant Pit

evolve stage 2 update

Map: Broken Hill Mines, a large map divided into three large and different areas around a circular hub. Map: Broken Hill Foundry, a small, heavily vertical map with a new boxed food mechanic Game Type: Arena, a best two out of three deathmatch against a Stage 2 monster in a permanent dome.

  • Reload speed no longer affects class cooldown, allowing for more perk choices for trappers and Assaults.
  • Monsters have 25% armor after Evolve (Gorgon Patch) for same reason as above.
  • Monsters have 2 seconds reduced Evolve time to help with slower, "hold the dome" games.
  • Hunters may now jetpack up walls without fuel.
  • Jetpacks reworked to be more consistent.
  • Hunters have more health on incap (3500) and stay up for longer.
  • Proximity detonation of exploding abilities increased to help with flying targets.
  • Trapper dome now comes down if Trapper is not in the dome.
  • Maps received substantive changes to remove exploitable positions, decrease line of sight on power relays, reduce water levels in most areas and decrease chokepoints.
  • Monster melees now target the closest target to your reticle vs the closest target to the monster (Gorgon Patch).
  • evolve stage 2 update

    Monster melees do the same damage at all stages.75 seconds before control is regained players can no longer be chain stunned. ex: Goliaths rocks have more momentum, Warp Blast has more radius. Putting points in Monster skills tends to increase their utility more than their damage.Monsters at Stage 3 are tankier than before, but do less damage.Monsters at Stage 1 do more damage but are easier to kill/get permanent health damage on.Dome recharge is 70 seconds up from 60.Dome no longer makes audible click for monster to react to. Domes take 1 second to drop down from 5 seconds.Elite Albino monsters are stronger and faster than their counterparts.Dramatically reduced the strength of wildlife buffs.Many, many bugfixes to Skirmish-type matchmaking.Evacuation mode remains as third option.Skirmish mode now cycles between the three most popular game types - Defend, Hunt, and Arena.New ranking system for Hunt mode - Three tiers, five stars per tier.Players can list preferences for Hunt and will be matched with different preferences, but classes are chosen on first click, first serve in ranked.Hunt mode now has MMR based matchmaking will always find four hunters and a monster before starting a game.Observer mode added and substantially improved.Preferences and ranks are both shown for each Hunter.Monster has identifying symbols for Hunters.Hunter pings have unique shapes based on what is being pinged.Option to hide awards from popping up in game added.5 Paid DLC Characters (included in Monster Race/Ultimate Editions):.

    Evolve stage 2 update